Family Dentistry

It’s important to maintain your children’s teeth as well as your own. Oral care for children should begin as soon as their first teeth begin to erupt, with their first visit to the dentist recommended from when they are 12 months old.

We encourage parents to bring their children along when they are having their regular check-ups.  First visits to the dentist are made fun for the children – we take them for a ride in our special ‘chair’, count their teeth together and reward them for their bravery with stickers.

Six months later we encourage parents to bring their children back to the surgery for a thorough examination and polish of their teeth.The main goals are to encourage good habits, educate children and parents about oral hygiene and familiarise children to the dental setting so their visits are enjoyable.

At Sunshine Family Dental, we are trained to offer caring treatment to children and teenagers between the ages of 4 and 17. Our experienced dentists perform routine dentistry (i.e. fillings, stainless steel crowns and extractions of baby teeth) where needed and refer to appropriate specialists as required.

For all your child’s dental needs and enquiries please phone our reception staff on (03) 9312 0263

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